Monday, November 9, 2009

Celebrating Monday

Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day.

Actually, it's been a pretty great day - with one little hiccup at the park this morning. So, we are 30 minutes into our walk... [we = newborn and I, 30 minutes = 30 minutes away from our car] when the dear babe decides to wail. [wail = red faced, squinting eyes, mouth wide screaming]

What are my options? really?

So... after ensuring that he was safe and dry, I turned around.

And turned the iPod UP.

You will be relieved to know - though not as relieved as I was - that he was dead asleep in about 10 minutes. Poor, poor kiddo.

But during our morning nap, I was able to complete the Mojo Monday sketch challenge. I liked this sketch a lot. It was a fun one. The flashcards are from an earlier Etsy purchase...

Now, I must feed myself before the afternoon nap has come and gone and it is time, yet again, to feed the Bob [as in Marley and the "wailers"]. :)
If you stop by, say hello and let me know what you think. Love meeting the blogosphere. :)


  1. Ahhh, motherhood. Sounds like you are in the throes of it and my mothering days are dwindling down now that I have a college bound daughter and a freshman. Yes, I know you are always a mother but soon I won't have to participate on a daily basis as they go out into the world. Loved the ipod story!

  2. wailing babies--those were the days!! Now I have wailing (in a whole different way) teenagers!! I my opinion the wailing baby was alot easier--although at the time I sure didn't think so!! Hang in there and enjoy every moment!! Great card by the way!! I got so chatty I forgot why I was posting!!
